Friday, September 27, 2019
*** Week 5 – Life Cycle of a Pumpkin :) *** Reminders : Happy Friday :) In A2 Group, Teacher Jason encourages you to push yourself to reach your potential. Put in the effort and try to learn & enjoy as much as you can in this class. Important Notice: Below is the 1st Exam Test Scope: If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me ( ) or give me your phone number so I can contact you to give you more details. Thank you! :) Today we learned about: Students went over the 1st Monthly Listening Exam answers in class. Students started their 1st Monthly Oral Exam today (some students will finish the exam on Monday). Classcraft Quest Homework for today (9/27) is below (if you don't have access to a computer): *** Fill-In-The-Blank *** Complete each sentence using the best word. Write the full sentence for each question. Also underline the answer word in each sentence. ...